
2021 Reading Challenge

2021 Reading Challenge
Hannah has read 40 books toward their goal of 60 books.

2020 Reading Challenge

2020 Reading Challenge
Hannah has completed their goal of reading 40 books in 2020!

Recent Reads

Hannah’s bookshelf: read

Deadly Games
really liked it
Thank you to Netgalley and HQ for the ARC in exchange for an honest review. In Steve Frech’s Deadly Games, we enter into the story of a bartender who lives in a California coastal town and gets framed for murdering the women he was havi…
My Ride or Die: A Novel
it was ok
Thank you NetGalley for the ARC! In Ride or Die, two friends decide to forgo the normal events of life and create an agreement to live and ‘be’ together for their lifetime. They vow to keep men on the sidelines for flings, but never any…
Dear Edward
really liked it
This book was gut wrenching and heart warming. My main critique is the plot synopsis didn’t leave much for guessing. It’s solely about a plane crashing, Edward being the main survivor, and Edward coping. As long as you don’t expect to re…
Shadow and Bone
liked it
Shadow and Bone sucked me in right away, and I liked how many directions you were thrown in over the course of the 300 pages. But nothing about the book made me hate or love the characters or the plot. I would have liked to learn more ab…
The Death and Life of Charlie St. Cloud
liked it
Cute, fast, mind numbing read.
Bringing Adam Home: The Abduction That Changed America
it was ok
I enjoyed (or maybe enjoy is the wrong word) learning about the story of Adam Walsh. His story and the handling of the case infuriated me, and I ached for the family. However, I did not like the book or how it was laid out. The informati…
A Merciful Fate
really liked it
5th of the 6 book series, and the plot is getting old. How many deaths and murders can really happen in a small Oregon town? The characters do alter slightly in every book, which makes it fun to figure out the mystery. After diving back …
The Last of the Moon Girls
did not like it
This was like a bad hallmark movie that never seemed to end
A Court of Thorns and Roses
it was ok
I didn’t even finish, stopped around page 150, and I hardly EVER put down a book. Everything was so slow and zero explanations were made. They hopped around from issue to issue without any clues what was happening. There was a lack of ch…